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Q & A (SEGA)

Q: Why can my game connect to the internet before using the card reader, but loses connection after?
A: When Segatools disables its simulated card reader, the game will disconnect from the internet if it does not detect a card reader. Please check that the card reader is connected properly and that its configuration is correct.

Q: I confirmed that the card reader is connected (the light is functioning), but I cannot swipe the card.
A: Is the card placed on the surface of the ADX Controller? Or is there metal underneath the card reader? If so, please use a non-metallic material to elevate it or place it elsewhere.

Q: The card number (starting with 0008) that appears when I swipe the official card in the game is different from what is printed on the back.
A: The card number obtained when swiping an Amusement IC card depends on the server. If the AimeDB server is implemented correctly, you should be able to retrieve the correct number (Rinnet, official AimeDB).

Q: What should I do if the card reader has limited functionality or bugs?
A: For functional suggestions or if you encounter bugs, please report them directly in the support group or message me privately. Software bugs will be addressed and fixed as soon as they are verified.